
The Holy Spirit moves in wonderful and mysterious ways when we pray for people. He convicts, woos, and draws people to Jesus. Every follower of Jesus has the opportunity to pray for others to receive Him and enter His family. Jesus asked the disciples to pray for workers to reach the harassed, helpless, and lost. Every one of us can do the same as we pray for others to hear the Good News and to come and follow Jesus.


“Love your neighbor as yourself,” Jesus commanded. He personified this as He was moved with compassion and met the needs of people. Jesus said His true followers would be known by their lives of love. As we pray for those God has placed in and around our lives – friends, family, neighbors, work associates, classmates, and those we see often in the marketplace, He will show us Spirit-led ways to love and care for them. 


Sharing the Gospel becomes a natural outcome as we have faithfuly prayed & cared for our neighbors.  As we have enjoyed opportunities to humbly listen to the prayer requests of another, natural conversations will become more and more spiritual. Neighbors don’t expect you have have all the answers, just live an authentic life modeling the life and ministry of Jesus. Don’t shy away from opportunities the Sprirt presents.

A Seasonal Approach for Neighborhood Discipleship

Enjoy seasonal rhythms and relationships to bless others

While the specifics may change from year to year, our hope is to develop postures and practices increasing Christ-honoring unity from our diversity.

Our Collective Mission:

Uniting diverse followers of Jesus with intentional prayer and authentic love
to holistically transform our city.

A historically divided church cannot bring
healing to a historically divided city.

Our Hope is a genuine unity among diverse congregations faithfully demonstrating the Gospel of Jesus for neighbors to experience

As He has frequently accomplished in the past, God is once again stirring His people to prayer. Many streams of prayer have been flowing along ethnic, linguistic, denominational, and geographical lines. The surge of violence in many of our neighboroods has been driving us to our knees. A vibrant network of relationships and resources have been growing with greater and greater intensity.

Now, as His Church and in the Spirit of Oneness exemplified in John 17, we are humbly, yet purposefully, coming together. Turning our hearts to Him for the healing of our geography (II Chronicles 7:14), we are intentionally collaborating in prayer and action to “Seek the Shalom” of our unique communities (Jeremiah 29:7), bearing witness to the transformative power of the Gospel as the collective Body of Christ (I Corinthians 12) incarnate in our respective neighborhoods.

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